Pope Francis Centre

Fresh Start Program

The Niagara Catholic Fresh Start Program is designed as both an intervention and prevention program for Grade 6to Grade 12 students while serving a suspension, exclusion or limited expulsion from an elementary or secondary school within Niagara Catholic. The site’s capacity is limited to fifteen (15) students from Grades 9-12.


Elementary and Secondary Principals are to approve the submission of a Niagara Catholic Fresh Start Student Action Plan for consideration of student enrollment at the Pope Francis Centre. Following an intake conference

with the student and the parent / guardian to review the expectations of the program, the Principal of the Pope Francis Centre, or designate, will determine admittance into the program.


A student will be considered for acceptance into the Niagara Catholic Fresh Start Program if;

• the student is serving a suspension of six (6) days or more in length as part of a progressive discipline

   process by a school principal, or

• the student is serving a limited expulsion with approval of the Family of Schools, Superintendent of

   Education, or

• the student’s actions warrant the program as approved by the Principal of the Pope Francis Centre or

   designate, the Family of Schools Superintendent and the Superintendent of Program.


This alternative program will strive to:

• address the academic, behavioural and community supports of the student;

• develop positive relationships among parents, the community and schools to support and sustain safe

   schools and learning;

• provide programs containing strategies for building positive attitudes, for developing positive

   behaviours, for providing continuous learning and for successful re-integration into the school setting

• reduce the recidivism of suspensions and limited expulsions;

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